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Correo Científico Médico de Holguín Suplemento 2011;15(3)


Articulo Original

Universidad Oscar Lucero Moya


 Papel del tutor en la educación en valores.


Role of the tutor in the education of values


        Pedro Leyva Leyva1, Maria Eugenia Aguilera Rodríguez 2, Elizabeth Ayala Torres 3


1.      Máster en Ciencias de la Educación. Licenciado en Educación. Asistente. Universidad Oscar Lucero Moya. Holguín. Cuba

2.      Licenciada en Ciencias de la Información. Asistente. Universidad Oscar Lucero Moya. Holguín. Cuba

3.      Licenciada en Educación. Instructor. Universidad Oscar Lucero Moya. Holguín. Cuba




La escuela ha sido siempre el espacio más adecuado para la desarrollar el proceso de formación de valores, proceso intencionado. La universalización de la enseñanza superior donde el profesor y el tutor en su gestión universitaria tienen que cumplir un rol importante.  Ello significa poseer un cúmulo mayor de conocimientos de cultura general, científica y técnica, de ser capaz de desarrollar un sistema de habilidades manuales e intelectuales, dotado de las mejores convicciones humanas; de altos valores éticos, estéticos y morales. Una de las actividades formativas previstas para contribuir a la formación integral del estudiante es la tutoría, normada en el Reglamento del Trabajo Docente Metodológico del MES como una forma organizativa para el trabajo educativo de las Sedes Universitaria municipales. Asimismo la formación de valores representa una preocupación del sistema educativo desde el currículo de estudio de los futuros profesionales  mediante la transversalidad de la enseñanza. En este sentido la acción tutorial debe darle salida a través de las carreras y los procesos sustantivos de la enseñanza, al eje transversal de la educación en valores, como parte de los objetivos para la formación integral de los estudiantes. En este sentido presentamos una metodología sistematizada en la literatura sobre el tema, que se ajusta a los requerimientos de la educación cubana en la universalización de la enseñanza superior. Con el presente trabajo nos proponemos como objetivo analizar el papel del tutor en la   formación integral de los futuros profesionales que se forman en las SUM mediante la educación de valores.

Palabras Clave: Valores, Papel del Tutor, Transversalidad de la  Enseñanza




The education is one of the factors determinant in the human being development that he/she receives influences that characterize it along the life like a certain form of to conceive to the world and to reflect its personality; in the current moments he/she has before yes new challenges, because today more than ever should be above all, the education of the independence, of the creative initiative, of the responsibility for the life, that is to say, for the taking of decisions, the self-management, the confrontation of conflicts, and mainly, for its efficient and altruistic acting as member of the society.  The school has always been the most appropriate space for developing the process of formation of values, deliberate process, of formation of abilities cognitive, talkative competition and capacity to investigate and to systematize the obtained information; to know how to make is the key, not alone it is to understand, but the reason and for what reason I make it. In this sense the practice, as approach of the truth has a decisive character for its solid ethical positions. In the achievement of this zeal, the universalización of the higher education is one of the scenarios of the present time where the professor and the tutor in its university administration have to complete an important list in the achievement of an integral education of the young egressions in the different territories of the country. Expressed in terms of results, it is to achieve a prepared man for the work, for the life, to be developed and to contribute to the development of the society in that he/she lives                                                                                                                                                                                                                           It means it much more than possessing a bigger heap or smaller than knowledge of general, scientific culture and technique or of being able to develop a system of manual and intellectual abilities, it also means and mainly, to be able to adopt a correct attitude in the face of the life, endowed with the best human convictions; of high ethical, aesthetic and moral values. One of the formative activities foreseen to contribute to the student's integral formation is the tutorship, normada in the Regulation of the Methodological Educational Work of the MONTH like an organizational form for the educational work of the municipal Headquarters University student. Also the formation of values represents a concern of the educational system from the curriculum of study of the professional futures by means of the transversalidad of the teaching. In this sense the action tutorial should give him exit through the careers and the processes nouns of the teaching, to the traverse axis of the education in values, like part of the objectives for the integral formation of the students. In this sense we present a methodology systematized in the literature on the topic that is adjusted to the requirements of the Cuban education in the universalización of the higher education. With the present work we intend as objective to analyze the tutor's paper in the integral formation of the professional futures that you/they are formed in the SUM by means of the education of values.  

Keywords: Values, Tutor role, transversality of the teaching



Lic. Elizabeth Ayala Torres. Correo electrónico. :


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